Hello friends! It’s finally spring…well according to the calendar it’s spring, but Mother Nature seems to have something else in mind. We still have snow on the ground here in Minnesota and the temps are not very spring-like either. But, despite the cold outside, my home decor is in full-out spring mode. Perhaps if I decorate for it, spring will come!
One of my favorite ways to spruce up the house for a new season is to make a wreath to hang on the front door. Wreaths are really fun and easy to make, and they add so much curb appeal to our front porch. To get inspired for some spring decor, I hit up Michaels last weekend. They were having amazing sales on all of their spring florals. After months of cold and dreary weather, the aisles upon aisles of bright and cheery florals were a welcome sight! I ended up bringing home quite a few different stems to put around the house. Today I want to share with you the Hello Spring wreath I made. I am so excited with how cute it turned out and it was really quick and simple to put together. You can knock one of these out in 30 minutes or less.
For this project you will need:
-Grapevine wreath
-Floral wire
-Wire cutters
-“Hello” cutout (I found mine in the Target Dollar Spot)
-7-9 heather bunches
-Glue gun (optional)
How to Make a Hello Spring Wreath
Step 1: Attach the Hello cutout to the wreath
We’re going to start by attaching our Hello cutout to the wreath. Normally I would add an element like this by using my glue gun, but the cutout I bought is pretty thick and heavy, so I’m not sure hot glue would be strong enough to keep it in place. Instead I am going to attach it using floral wire. I placed the cutout exactly where I wanted it on the wreath and then threaded the wire through the cutouts in the H and O. I wrapped the wire tightly around the wreath and double-knotted it. Then I trimmed off the excess wire using a pair of wire cutters. The wire is slightly visible on our word cutout, but once we add the florals, it won’t be noticeable unless you really get up close and inspect the wreath.
Step 2: Arrange and attach the florals on the wreath
Whenever I make a wreath, before I attach the flowers, I like to lay them on top of my wreath form and rearrange them until I am satisfied with how they look. Once I have achieved the look I’m going for, I begin to slide the stems between the grapevine sticks. The stems of my heather bunches were long enough that they poked out from the back side of the wreath, so I trimmed each of them down with my wire cutters. The flower part on these was really delicate and seemed to come off easily, so make sure to handle the flowers gently when you’re cutting them. I found that some of the greenery got in the way of the colored flowers when I was arranging my flowers, so I removed a few leaves from some of the stems. They come off really easily, so don’t be afraid to prune as you see fit! And if you decide your wreath needs more greenery, you can always slide the leaves back on or glue them in place.
To secure the stems, you can either add a bit of glue to each stem with a glue gun prior to sliding it into place, or you can wrap floral wire across the front of the stem and around to the back of the wreath. These particular stems intertwined tightly with the grapevine wreath, so I decided to just put a few pieces of floral wire on to hold everything in place. The greenery of the stems hid the wire nicely and I decide I want to add more flowers later or want to use the grapevine wreath for a different project, I can easily remove the floral wire and stems.
Step 3: Hang your wreath
Your Hello Spring Wreath is complete! All that’s left to do is hang it up and stand back to admire your work.
Here’s my wreath hanging on our front door. I love the burst of color it adds. Now maybe this will entice our real flowers to start blooming!
How do you decorate for spring? If you made a Hello Spring wreath, I’d love to check it out. Be sure to tag me on Instagram @The_Northern_Creative.
Happy Spring!
XOXO, Stephanie